Woodrun began as a short script titled Autumn in Aroostook. AIA is a coming-of-age story in the vein of Stand By Me. It tells the story of four young boys who head into the forest to investigate a mysterious sighting by one of the younger members of the group. I wrote AIA during the NYC Midnight Short Screenplay contest where it was well-received. I felt it had promise so I sent it around to number of screenplay contests and AIA fared well in categories from Sci-Fi to Comedy. As a writer I feel like any time I can have a script perform well at a contest especially across multiple genres then that script is most likely a winner. I posted the logline for AIA on Inktip where it was picked up by Director Tyler Childs and his production team. From there Tyler took the story and fleshed it out further to develop as a proof-of-concept for a potential feature. The result was a nice little short titled Woodrun. You can check out Tyler and his teams handiwork here: